

时间:2020/10/14 9:55:35  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘    要本设计拟开发一套以单目视觉为基础的生产线传送带上工件位置和姿态识别的工件位姿测量系统。实验室中已配备相应的硬件,相机固定安装,与生产线传送带的相对位置不变,项目需设计单目视觉位姿识别算法,并实现采用单目相机进行工件的位姿识别的软件...







This design is to develop a position and attitude measurement system based on monocular vision for the position and attitude of the work piece on the conveyor belt of the production line. The laboratory has been equipped with the corresponding hardware, the camera is fixed installed, and the relative position of the conveyor belt of the production line is unchanged. The project needs to design a single vision position and pose recognition algorithm, and to realize the software of the position and pose recognition of the workpiece using the monocular camera. On the basis of collecting and reading the literature of monocular vision location and recognition, the author summarizes the usage methods and related algorithms of monocular vision at home and abroad, and summarizes the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of methods and algorithms. Existing problems and developments The prospect is analyzed, especially the monocular recognition of the work piece on the conveyor belt.

Firstly, the visual image processing is studied. The image is captured by the camera directly above the robot platform, and the median filtering method is used to filter the image. Histogram method is used to enhance the image edge detection and binary image segmentation to complete the image preprocessing. Secondly, the processed image is recognized by the position and pose of the production line, the image feature is extracted, and the target workpiece is identified by template matching method. Finally, the identified workpiece is calibrated, and the location of the target workpiece in the image determines its position in space. For the segmented binary image, the center position of the target workpiece and the centroid of the target workpiece are obtained. In the same way, the coordinate and angle value of the center of mass are obtained according to the formula of coordinate calculation. The linear model of the camera is used to calibrate the 3D pose of the target workpiece, and the result is fed back to the execution module, which drives the correct motion of the joint and performs the operation of grasping the workpiece. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is simple and practical and achieves the desired results.


Keywords: industrial robot; image processing; position and pose recognition of production line; camera calibration







1章 绪论1

1.1 选题背景1

1.2 课题目的及意义1

1.3 课题内容3

2章 基于单目视觉的生产线工件位姿图像处理4

2.1 图像增强4

2.1.1 直方图增强4

2.1.2 直方图均化5

2.1.3 对比度增强5

2.2 图像滤波7

2.2.1 邻域平均法原理7

2.2.2 中值滤波7

2.3 边缘检测8

2.3.1 微分算子法8

2.3.2 拉普拉斯高斯算子9

2.3.3 canny10

2.4 图像分割11

2.4.1 灰度门限法12

2.4.2 图像分割的方法12

2.5 本实验中的图像处理过程13

2.6 本章小结14

3章 基于单目视觉的生产线工件位姿生产线工件位姿识别15

3.1 生产线工件位姿识别类型15

3.2 生产线工件位姿识别的过程16

3.3 生产线工件位姿识别的方法16

3.3.1 生产线工件位姿识别的常用方法16

3.3.2 生产线工件位姿识别的方法16

3.4 图像的不变矩匹配18

3.4.1 矩的概念18

3.4.2 矩的有关变换21

3.4.3 图像的不变矩特征表示23

3.5 生产线工件位姿识别实验24

3.6 本章小结25

4章 基于单目视觉的生产线工件位姿视觉定位26

4.1 系统标定概述26

4.2 摄像机标定26

4.2.1 标定的原理27

4.3 GRB-400机器人运动学分析28

4.3.1 坐标空间定义29

4.3.2 求解运动学逆解的方法30

4.4 摄像机成像模型35

4.5 视觉系统需标定的参数及方法36

4.5.1 坐标变换原理36

4.5.2 机器人臂抓取37

4.6 本章小结37








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