

时间:2020/10/14 9:54:29  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要   本论文主要介绍注射模模的设计过程,通过对塑件产品的分析了解,初选注射成型机的型号和规格,确定模具的总体结构为双分型面注射模,点浇口进料,及点浇口自动推出机构。设计模具的浇注系统、排气系统、冷却装置、成形零件等,选定标准模架和结构零部件,最后校核计算...

摘  要


The design and processing simulation of the toy airplane outer shell injecting die
   This thesis mainly the introduction inject the design process of mold and pass analysis understanding to the Su piece product, the primary election injects the model number and specification of modeling the machine, the total structure of the assurance molding tool for double cent type the noodles inject a mold and order to sprinkle to enter to anticipate, and order to sprinkle to automatically release organization. Design a sprinkling of molding tool to note the system, row spirit system, cool off device and take shape spare parts etc., make selection standard mold and structure zero partses, finally the school calculate calculate; Also draw a main spare parts diagram according  to the molding tool structure chosen such as certainly the mold fixed plank template, pay to accept a piece, push a pole, lead pillar and lead a set of etc.Make use of AUTOCAD to draw an assemble diagram of molding tool, and apply CAXA the manufacturing engineer's software is born molding tool type chamber, then carried on emulation to process to imitate really.
Key words: Injecting die, Design, Shelf of die, Imitate, Assemble


目  录
1 绪论 1
2 设计要求 2
3 模具的总体设计 2
3.1 塑件产品的了解 2
   3.2 初选注射成型机的型号和规格 3
   3.3 模具结构设计 4
3.3.1 确定模具型腔数目及配置 4
3.3.2 选择分型面 4
3.3.3 确定模具总体结构形式 5
3.3.4浇注系统的设计 6
3.3.5 排气系统的设计 9
3.3.6 冷却装置的设计 10
3.3.7脱模斜度的确定 11
3.3.8 选用标准模架 11
3.3.9 成形零件的设计 12
3.3.10 模具结构零部件的确定 14
3.4 校核计算 21
4 凸凹模材料的确定 23
5 绘制模具总装配图 23
6 绘制模具工作简图 25
7 利用CAXA建立模具凸凹模及数控仿真 27
7.1 CAXA制造工程师 27
7.2 塑件模型的建立 27
7.3 凸凹模的建立 28
7.4 凸凹模的数控加工仿真 29
7.5 生成数控程序 31
8 结束语 34
致谢 34
参考文献 35


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