

时间:2020/10/14 12:34:50  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要海报又称招贴画。是贴在街头墙上,挂在橱窗里的大幅画作,以其醒目的画面吸引路人的注意,在学校里,海报常用于文艺演出、运动会、故事会、展览会、家长会、节庆日、竞赛游戏等。海报设计总的要求是使人一目了然。一搬的海报通常含有通知性,所以主题应该明确显眼、一目了然...

摘  要

Posters and says poster. Is posted on the streets, hang on the wall paintings in the window, with its striking sharply images of the note, in attracting passers-by schools, posters often used in artistic performances, games, stories, exhibitions, pta, JieQingRi, racing game, etc. Poster design general requirement is make the person be clear at a glance. A move poster usually contains inform sex should be clearly visible and so theme clearly (such as xx game, discounts, etc), then summarizes such as time, place, note and other major content in the most concise statement. The layout of the illustrations, posters of beautiful is usually attracts eyeball is very good method. In real life, there are abstract and concrete.
Poster is an information transfer art, is a popular propaganda tool. Poster design must have considerable appeal and artistic appeal, to mobilize image, color, composition, the form sense etc. Factor formation strong visual result; Its picture strong visual center, should strive to novel, simple, must also has a unique artistic style and design characteristics of land.
Key word: posters, posters, visual effects, colour, contagious
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目  录 III
绪  论 1
第一章 商业海报的概述 2
一、海报的概述 2
二、商业海报的概念 2
第二章 商业海报的设计 3
一、图形设计 3
二、文字设计 4
三、色彩设计 4
第三章 商业海报设计的注意事项 6
一、一致原则 7
二、关联原则 7
三、重复原则 7
四、延续性原则 8
五、协调原则 9
结  论 10
致谢语 11
参考文献 12


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