

时间:2020/10/13 21:43:59  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘    要客车长途客车管理是现在智能交通中关键一环,是我们现在必须要提高和完善的课题。目前的长途客车管理大多采用半人工方式,这不仅浪费人力物力,而且给人们的出行造成了不便。如何让长途客车管理朝着人们所希望的方向发展,还需要我们不断的研究和实...

摘    要
本论文设计了一个基于车联网的长途客车管理系统,在车联网的关键技术上实现联网功能。它分为三个子系统:信息采集子系统、信息传输子系统、信息管理子系统。它采用AT89C2051单片机和nRF401射频芯片的可读可写式射频卡构成硬件电路。 它在基于AT89C2051单片机的基础上,用软件完成了串口通信。

    Passenger Coach intelligent traffic management is now a key part, is that we now have to improve and perfect the issue. The current management of long-distance buses are mostly used semi-manual mode, which is not only a waste of manpower and resources, but also to the people travel inconvenience caused. How to make long-distance bus management direction toward the people want development, but also we need to continue the research and experimentation.
    In this thesis, a long-distance bus network based vehicle management system, vehicle networking in key technologies to achieve networking. It is divided into three subsystems: information collection subsystem, information transmission subsystem, information management subsystem. It uses radio frequency chip AT89C2051 MCU and nRF401 readable and writable RF card hardware circuit constituted. It is based on AT89C2051 microcontroller based on the completion of the serial communication software.
    Hardware module of this paper is to complete the long-distance bus and coach identification charges entering the highway, and the highway out of the process, and collect relevant data long-distance bus. Software module implements network functions, and control LED (display toll revenues), traffic light display. In this paper the design process, the hardware module information collection capabilities need to be improved but the peripheral circuit design; software design of the information management function was not able to complete the preparation, but also need to constantly improve.
    Keywords: car networking; coach management; radio frequency identification; Global Positioning System
目    录
第1章 绪论 1
    1.1 本课题研究的背景及意义 1
    1.2 本论文的研究内容 1
    1.3 本论文的组织结构 4
第2章 车联网的关键技术 5
     2.1 车联网的分层结构 5
     2.2 车联网的相关技术 6
         2.2.1 射频识别技术 6
         2.2.2 全球定位系统 9
         2.2.3 传感器技术 12
第3章 长途客车管理系统的结构 13
    3.1 长途客车管理系统构架 13
    3.2 信息采集子系统 13
        3.2.1 长途客车识别模块 14
        3.2.2 图像监控模块 14
        3.2.3 信息处理模块 15
     3.3 信息传输子系统 15
     3.4 信息管理子系统 15
         3.4.1 信息管理 15
         3.4.2 收费管理 16
第4章 长途客车管理系统的设计 17
    4.1 硬件设计 17
        4.1.1 AT89C2051单片机性能及串行通信功能 17
        4.1.2 射频识别卡和阅读器的设计 20
    4.2 软件设计 25
         4.2.1. 外围控制器软件的分析与实现 26
         4.2.2 数码管、红绿灯显示的软件分析与实现 30
第5章 总结与展望 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35


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