

时间:2020/10/13 21:25:08  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 某医院医疗B超图像处理系统的设计与实现摘     要    随着医疗事业的不断发展,人们对自身所受医疗保健环境的要求也越来越高。医院需要以高质量的服务提供给大众。早期的医疗管理系统已经不能完全满足新业务...

摘     要


Design and Implementation of a Medical B-Mode Ultrasound Image System in a Hospital
    With the rapid development of the medical treatment technology, people asked for higher quality service by hospital. It is the truth that early management systems are not suitable for the modern hospitals. Management systems early are not suitable for the modern hospitals. To get the problem solved, new system should be developed to meet current hospital's demand. According to this situation, a new system solution to medical B-Mode ultrasound image system is presented in this paper.
    First of all, concerning the image display, it is the basic of the system which to use the principle of receiving image frames to assemble the frames to display the dynamic images. Besides, with regard to the image capturing, it is a function designed in terms of the height and the width of the image to capture a couple of pictures, and it can realize multi-pictures record for each patient. Moreover, corresponding to the image modification, it is implemented by using the functions provided in Delphi to enlarge and dwindle, and it can zoom in, zoom out and removing color from the image. The function of sliding scale is also included in the design, which is convenient to examine by doctors. Furthermore, both the information of patients and the information of images are stored in the database.
Key words: B-Mode Ultrasound; B-Mode Ultrasound Image; Video Capture Card; Capture; Dynamic Capture; Remove Colorhttp://www.16sheji8.cn/
目  录
1. 引言 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 2
1.4 系统的设计目标 2
2.系统开发工具和硬件的介绍 2
2.1系统开发工具的介绍 2
2.1.1 Delphi 7 的介绍 2
2.1.2 SQL Server 2000的介绍 4
2.2硬件的介绍 5
2.2.1 B超的介绍 5
2.2.2 视频采集卡的介绍 7
2.3 C/S模式的介绍 8
3.系统设计 10
3.1 系统的模块结构 10
3.2 模块的划分 11
3.3 系统网络拓扑图 11
3.4 开发环境和运行环境的介绍 12http://www.16sheji8.cn/
3.4.1 开发环境的介绍 12
3.4.2 运行环境的介绍 12
3.5 数据库 13
3.5.1 数据库E—R图 13
3.5.2 数据表结构 13
4.重要代码的实现 14
结   论 20
参考文献 20
致    谢 21http://www.16sheji8.cn/
声    明 22
1. 引言
  1.1 开发背景

    为了适应中国医疗界的这一发展,促进医院管理的科学化、规范化、信息化,国务院卫生部在1997年先后颁布了《医院信息系统软件评审管理法(试行)》和《医院信息系统 (HIS)软件基本功能规范(试行)》等一系列重要文件,对医院管理系统提出了具体的要求和实施规范。


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