

时间:2020/10/13 14:06:05  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘   要为了满足深化改革中的劳动和社会保险体制赋予系统建设的新要求,适应信息技术飞速发展的新形势,保险业应该建立一个比较完备的、高效的,并与劳动和社会保障事业发展相适应、与国家经济信息系统相衔接的社会保险管理信息系统。《失业保险管理信息系统》的应用将...

摘   要
《失业保险管理信息系统》以WIN2000为运行平台,Visual Basic 6.0为开发工具,实现基础数据的设置、保费征缴管理、失业登记管理、待遇支付管理、政策参数设置管理、失业优惠证的发放管理、再就业的推荐等功能。除此之外,系统还提供基本的查询、更改、报表的打印,数据的统计、预测等功能。

关键词:失业保险  劳动和社会保障  Visual Basic  管理信息系统  业务处理


With the development of deep reform and open, in order to satisfy the new requirements of Labor and Social Security system, to get with the new situation and development of information technique, insurance should be establish a more integrative and high-effect Social Insurance Information System, which adapt the development of Labor and Social Security and connect with the national economy information system. The application of 《Unemployment Insurance System》will improve the workings of department of physical labor, meanwhile it will advance the capability of supervising and work efficiency. And for the most part, it strengthens the time efficiency of gather statistics data. By using the advanced computer network technique, the Unemployment Insurance System establish an unified management information system to achieve the coordinated working and resources sharing between physical labor and unemployment protection information.
The 《Unemployment Insurance System》is based on WIN2000 operation system, uses Visual Basic 6.0 as development kits. The main functions of the system include setting up basic data; managing paying insurance premium, unemployment register, treatment payment, the policy parameters; providing the preferential cards for unemployed persons; recommending jobs to unemployed. In addition, the system also supplies the function of basically query, alteration, printing of data reports, data statistics and data forecast.

Key words: unemployment insurance  Labor and Social Security  Visual Basic    management information system   business transaction

目   录
第一章     绪论. 1
1.1失业保险制度简介. 1
1.2我国失业保险制度. 1
1.3开发新系统的迫切性. 3
第二章    系统分析. 4
2.1引言. 4
2.2新系统设计思想. 5
2.3可行性分析. 6
2.4新系统方案. 7
2.5系统分析图表. 11
第三章    系统设计. 17
3.1功能模块设计. 17
3.2代码设计. 18
3.3输入输出设计. 20
3.4数据库设计. 22
第四章  系统的实施与维护. 29
4.1系统的实施. 29
4.2系统的维护. 31
第五章  系统使用说明. 33
5.1 失业管理信息系统总体介绍. 33
5.2 软件主要功能的介绍. 33
参考文献. 37
结束语. 38

第一章     绪论


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