

时间:2020/10/14 10:45:55  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘 要现代航运对船舶自动化程度和信息集成程度要求越来越高,因此船舶自动化主要发展方向已成为将驾驶台、机舱等相对独立的几个部分联成一体,做到全船信息的高度集成和共享。船舶电站自动监控系统是机舱自动化系统的重要组成部分,电站监控系统运行的可靠性、经济性对保证船舶电站的供电质量...
摘 要
本文以发电机组的转速控制和发电机组的励磁控制两项关键控制功能为核心, 充分结合电站监控系统的发展趋势,完成船舶电站控制系统的设计。

With the development of modem navigation, the demand of ships’ automation and degree of information integration is increasing. Therefore, the developmental direction of the ship automation is to integrate the relatively independent parts such as the deck department and the marine engine department together, so the information of the ship can be highly integrated and shared. Automatic Monitoring System of marine electrical power plant is an important component of Marine Engineering Automation. The reliability and economy of AMS can improve the quality of power supply, and in turn to realize the “Integration of Ship Driving and Machine Controlling.” 
The functions of Ship Automatic Monitoring System can be divided into automatic control and automatic surveillance. The realization of automatic control function can be attributed to the realization of two key technologies-the speed control of generation sets and the excitation control of generator. The Automatic Surveillance System is mainly to realize the displaying and recording of the operation parameters, and alarming when it is abnormal, etc. and provide a good man-machine interface for the system.
In this paper, as the control cores, the generation sets speed control system and generator excitation control system are designed and fully integrated the development trends of the power plant control system.
One of the cores of the power plant automatic control is speed control of diesel engines. In this paper, the automatic speed control system for diesel engine is researched and designed for electric power plant that composed by the three generation sets. Siemens S7-300 Programmable Logical Controller (PLC) is adopted as the main control set, with the corporation of Generator Parallel Controller (GPC) made by DIEF company. PLC and GPC are communicated through PROFIBUS-DP fieldbus so that they can work concordantly to accomplish the task of speed control when Automatic Start-up and shutdown, Automatic parallel operation, Automatic frequency adjustment and active power distribution.
Key WordsMarine electrical power plant, Monitoring System, PLC 

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