

时间:2020/10/13 21:50:06  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 网络安全密码的数学实现摘 要目前,由计算机网络通信带来的网络安全问题引起了人们的普遍关注,作为网络安全基础理论之一的密码学引起了人们极大的关注,吸引着越来越多的研究人员投入到密码领域的研究当中。本课题主要的研究方法是通过利用密码学中的数学基础知识来了解数学在密码技术中的应...

摘 要


关键词: 密码学;加密解密技术;数据加密标准(DES);高级公开密钥算法(RSA)



Achieve network security password with mathematics
At present, computer network communications from network security issues of common concern to the people, as one of network security based on the theory of cryptography has aroused a great deal of concern, attracting more and more researchers into the field Password the study.
The main research topics is through the use of cryptography to learn basic knowledge of mathematics to understand the mathematics in the application of cryptographic techniques in the realization of the principle and method, commonly used in traditional encryption methods, data encryption standard (DES), Advanced Public Key encryption algorithm (RSA) such as the principle of technology and implementation are described. Paper introduces the basic knowledge of network security and basic knowledge of cryptography, because they are a strong background in mathematics is to study network information security an important means of cryptographic techniques and approaches; followed by the traditional focus on the encryption algorithm, Data Encryption Standard and RSA algorithms,MATLAB language can be used to carry out some simple realization of the encryption and decryption,at the end of the application of network security in today's encryption technology development.


Key Words: Cryptography; encryption and decryption technology; DES; RSA



 目  录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
1 绪  论 1
1.1综述 1
1.2密码学的发展概况 1
1.3课题背景 2
1.4本文主要研究工作 2
2 网络安全基础知识 3
2.1网络安全概念 3
2.2信息安全含义 3
2.3网络安全对策 3
3 密码学基础知识 5
3.1基本概念 5
3.1.1基础数论 5
3.1.2密码学中的密钥熵理论 7
3.2密码体制的要求 8
3.3密码体制的功能 8
3.4加密算法分类 9
3.5密码系统的应用 9
4 传统加密方法 11
4.1古典加密体制 11
4.1.1 代换密码 11
4.1.2 换位密码 12
5 数据加密标准(DES) 14
5.1概述 14
5.2算法概要 14
5.3密钥置换 15
5.4 加密过程 16
5.5解密 19
5.6弱密钥 19
6 公开密钥加密算法(RSA) 24
6.1概述 21
6.2 RSA的安全性讨论 21
6.3 RSA的应用 22
6.4 RSA的算法 22
6.5 RSA的工作原理 23
6.6简单实例:MATLAB语言在加/解密算法中的应用 23
7 加密技术的发展 26
7.1密码专用芯片集成 26
7.2 量子加密技术的研究 26
8 结  论 27
参考文献 28
致  谢 29
毕业设计(论文)知识产权声明 30
毕业设计(论文)独创性说明 31
附  录 A程序代码 32
附  录 B外文翻译原文 38
附  录 C 外文翻译译文 50


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