

时间:2020/10/13 21:50:04  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 校园网组建方案目  录摘    要 - 1 -前   言 - 2 -第一章、需求分析 - 3 -1、网络应用需求 - 3 -2、安全需求 - 3 -3、技术需求&...

目  录
摘    要 - 1 -
前   言 - 2 -
第一章、需求分析 - 3 -
1、网络应用需求 - 3 -
2、安全需求 - 3 -
3、技术需求 - 3 -
第二章、布线 - 4 -
1、网络方案 - 4 -
2、方案设计 - 5 -
第二章、网络协议的选择 - 6 -
第三章、网络拓扑 - 7 -
第五章、设备选用 - 9 -
1、设备列表 - 9 -
2、设备详单 - 12 -
2.1交换机 - 12 -
2.2防火墙设备 - 12 -
第六章、应用系统建设 - 14 -
第七章、预算报价: - 15 -
第八章、地址规划和设备配置 - 16 -
第九章、方案优点 - 25 -
结  论 - 26 -

摘    要

With the gradual popularization of the network construction, the construction of campus network is the inevitable choice of university to a high level of university entered, campus network system is a very huge and complicated system, it not only provides the basic platform for the development of colleges and universities, integrated information management and office automation and so on a series of applications, but also can make education, teaching, scientific research and the Trinity, improve the quality of education and teaching. Built the campus network is conducive to the realization of computer aided management, and the construction of campus network in the main application of the important branch of LAN technology in network technology to the construction and management, at the same time when establishing a network should be economic, practical, safe reliability, scalability principles. Various technical and implementation scheme of this thesis will be the main topic of campus network construction process may be used for the design direction, to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the construction of the campus network.

关键词:校园网  网络设备  服务器  网络管理  网络安全


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