
基于GSM网络智能家居系统设计 毕业论文+电路原理图+程序

时间:2020/10/14 11:04:50  作者:  来源:  查看:1  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要当今社会人们的生涯愈来愈轻便化、智能化,人们对轻便化、智能化生涯的需要愈来愈大,从应用简略的电器到应用电冰箱、洗衣机等大型电器,再慢慢到收集化,智能二字赓续遍及,往后将涉足社会的各个方面,万物互相衔接成为将来成长的潮水和偏向。从饥寒到品德生涯,社会的提高...

摘  要


本计划应用TC35i GSM模块与STC89C52单片机组建节制终端,用户经由过程手机发送短信指令到节制终端,节制终端提取短信节制指令经由过程单片机节制各个功能模块从而完成对智能家居的长途节制。本计划计划包括的体系有:智能照明节制体系、智能安防和环境监测报警体系和智能家电、窗帘的体系节制。该计划的各个体系不是自力的,而是相互互相接洽,融合为一个同一的全体,并互相相应,做到真正意义上的智能集中节制和长途GSM节制。本论文完成了家居体系的硬件计划和软件计划,并对全部体系进行了测试,顺利完成了手机经由过程GSM收集对智能家居体系的长途节制。



In today's society,people's careers are becoming more and more convenient and intelligent. People need more and more convenience and intelligentized careers,from using simple appliances to applying large-scale appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines,and then slowly to collecting them. Intelligence continues to spread,will be involved in all aspects of society,everything connected to each other as the tide of future growth and bias. From hunger and cold to moral life,the improvement of society makes the category of intelligence have great stamina and market. People are willing to pay for intelligence,so the study of intelligent home system is carried out. It is impossible to get great economic benefits while satisfying the needs of people's daily lives,in line with the trend of scientific and technological growth.

This plan applies TC35i GSM module and STC89C52 MCU to set up control terminal,and the user sends short message instruction to the control terminal through the process of mobile phone. Control terminal extracts short message control commands through the process of single-chip control of each functional module to complete the intelligent home long-distance control. This plan includes: intelligent lighting control system,intelligent security and environmental monitoring alarm system and intelligent appliances,curtain system control. The various systems of the plan are not self-reliant,but interact with each other,merge into a single whole,and correspond to each other,so as to achieve a true sense of intelligence and centralized moderation. And long-distance GSM temperance. In this paper,the hardware plan and software plan of the home system are completed,and the whole system is tested,and the long-distance control of the smart home system through the GSM collection of the mobile phone is successfully completed.

Keywords: smart home;GSM;remote control;MCU

目  录

第一章 绪论1


1.2 智能家居控制系统概述2

1.3 研究主要内容3

第二章 GSM智能家居系统方案设计4

2.1 智能家居系统需求分析4

2.2 系统总体设计与分析5

第三章 系统硬件电路设计6

3.1 相关芯片及模块6

3.1.1 STC89C52RC7

3.1.2 TC35i模块8

3.1.3 MQ-2传感器12

3.1.4 FM-180指纹识别模块13

3.1.5 ULN200315

3.2 STC89C52最小系统电路15

3.3 窗户、窗帘控制电路16

3.4 灯光调节电路16

3.5 烟雾传感器电路17

3.6 家用电器模拟电路18

3.7 指纹识别电路18

第四章 系统软件程序设计20

4.1 短消息发送程序设计20

4.2 煤气检测模块程序设计22

4.3 灯光控制模块软件设计23

4.4 指纹识别模块软件设计25

总  结27




致  谢44

基于GSM网络智能家居系统设计 毕业论文+电路原理图+程序

基于GSM网络智能家居系统设计 毕业论文+电路原理图+程序

基于GSM网络智能家居系统设计 毕业论文+电路原理图+程序

基于GSM网络智能家居系统设计 毕业论文+电路原理图+程序


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