

时间:2020/10/14 10:24:49  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 基于MCGS清洁能源车的监控系统设计摘要能源体系的转型升级,清洁能源汽车出现。为满足系能源汽车创新工程的发展要求,构建并设计针对清洁能源车的监控系统,基于MCGS体系下,搭建系统平台。通过研究MCGS清洁能源车监控系统工作原则以及设计准则,明确MCGS组态软件状况。进而实...


本次设计介绍了FX2N PLC机的性能及其特点,可编程序控制器(programmable controller)简称PLC。由于PLC的性能优越,功能完备,灵活性强,通用性好和继电接触器控制简单易懂,维修方便等双重优点,形成以微电脑为核心的电子控制设备,可编程序控制器是近年来一种极为迅速,应用极为广泛的清洁能源车控制装置。可编程控制器(PLC)具有编程软件采自易学易懂的梯形图语言,控制灵活方便,抗干扰能力强,运行稳定可靠等特点,现在的清洁能源车自动化作业控制多采用可编程控制器来实现。
Upgrading energy system, clean energy vehicles appeared. In order to meet the development requirements of the Department of Energy Automotive Innovation Project, Construction and design for clean energy vehicle monitoring system based on MCGS system, build system platform. By studying MCGS clean energy vehicle monitoring system working principles and design criteria, clear MCGS configuration software status. Thus achieving energy vehicles to plot specific design, including the car terminal, hardware design and software design. Meanwhile, after the completion of the design of the monitoring system, a platform and specific applications, to achieve clean energy vehicles positioning, dynamic monitoring, application development and system relations. The results show that, MCGS clean energy vehicle monitor system with good results.
This design introduces FX2N PLC machine performance and characteristics of the programmable logic controller (programmable controller) referred PLC. Due to the superior performance of the PLC, fully functional, flexible, common good and straightforward relay contactor control, dual advantages of easy maintenance, to form a microcomputer as the core of the electronic control devices, programmable logic controller in recent years a very rapid, wide range of applications of industrial control devices. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) has collected from the programming software ladder language easy to learn, flexible control, anti-interference ability, stable and reliable, and now the industrial automation control more programmable controller to achieve.
The control system, according to the actual requirements of real-time control and order processing functions of PLC, complete system control, this paper gives the main circuit and software design of the control system
Keywords: PLC; clean energy vehicles; monitoring system; MCGS configuration

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