

时间:2020/10/14 10:24:49  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 北京地铁10号线地铁车辆基础制动装置设计摘  要随着我国城市化进程的发展,城市吸引力不断扩大,人口集聚力不断增强,大、中城市人口数量屡创新高。为了更好的缓解城市交通拥堵的问题,许多城市选择了建设轨道交通来改善交通状况。地铁车辆的运行速度也由最初的60km/h,逐...
随着我国城市化进程的发展,城市吸引力不断扩大,人口集聚力不断增强,大、中城市人口数量屡创新高。为了更好的缓解城市交通拥堵的问题,许多城市选择了建设轨道交通来改善交通状况。地铁车辆的运行速度也由最初的60km/h,逐渐提高到80 km/h100 km/h,甚至更高。车辆在高速运行中必须依赖制动系统调节列车运行速度和及时准确地在预定地在预定地点停车,保证列车安全正点地运行。制动系统是地铁车辆安全可靠运行的基本保障,通常包括空气制动机、基础制动装臵、手制动机。基础制动装臵是确保地铁车辆行车安全的最重要的措施之一,它最基本的功能是吸收制动动能并将之转化为热能散发到空气中。基础制动装臵分为两类,一类是由踏面和闸瓦组成摩擦副的踏面制动,一类是由制动盘和闸片组成摩擦副的盘形制动。
With the development of urbanization in China, the attractiveness of the city continued to expand, growing population agglomeration force, large, urban population hit record highs. In order to alleviate the problem of urban traffic congestion, many cities chose the construction of rail transit to improve the traffic situation. Metro vehicle speed from the initial 60km / h, and gradually increased to 80 km / h, 100 km / h, or even higher. In high-speed operation must rely on the braking system regulates the speed of the train and promptly and accurately at a predetermined location in a predetermined parking to ensure train safe to run on schedule. Braking system is the basic guarantee safe and reliable operation of metro vehicles, typically include air brake, brake installed base Ge, hand brake. Ge brake installed base is one of the most important measures to ensure the subway vehicle traffic safety, braking kinetic energy and converting it into its most basic function is to absorb heat energy into the atmosphere. Foundation brake installed Ge divided into two categories, one is from the tread brake and brake shoe friction composition of the tread, a class is composed of brake discs and brake pads disc brake friction pair.
Keywords: Beijing Metro Line 10; Metro Rail; braking system

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