

时间:2020/10/14 10:23:16  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 电动车防盗控制系统的设计摘 要     随着我国经济的飞速发展,电动自行车逐渐进入人们的生活,并成为城乡的主要运载工具之一,但是电动自行车被盗却屡有发生,而现在市场上有各式各样的电动车防盗报警装置出售,一些高档的智能报警器...
    With the rapid development of China's economy, electric bicycles gradually into people's lives, and become one of the main means of urban and rural transport, but the electric bicycle stolen has occurred frequently, and now the market has a wide range of electric car burglar alarm Device sales, some high-end intelligent alarm due to the price is too high or there are affordable, reliable and reliable anti-theft alarm for sale, but the alarm alarm speakers are generally only installed in the electric car body, and the completion of police intelligence transmission task The main components are vibration sensors, the sensitivity is high, resulting in a number of external environmental factors, such as wind and thunder, children frolic, etc., are likely to make the action, and trigger the alarm alarm, this false alarm caused by noise pollution Often caused by unnecessary nuisance users do not want to price only two or three thousand electric cars to configure, and not promotion. All the reasons that most of the electric car users did not for their car to be equipped with anti-theft alarm device, resulting in some lawless elements can take advantage of the growing theft of electric cars, thus, a low price, high quality, suitable for Ordinary users of the burglar alarm will be the electric bicycle market eagerly hope.
    Based on the STC89S52 research on the seesaw on the intelligent electric car system, the hardware main STC89S52 single chip minimum system board, car left and right front wheel drive circuit, car travel trajectory detection circuit, angle direction detection circuit, display circuit and alarm circuit and so on. Through the software to generate PWM wave control car speed, the use of interpolation operation to adjust the car travel track. After repeated analysis, comparison and commissioning. Prove that the system meets the design requirements.
Keywords: single chip, GSM, burglar alarm, electric car

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