

时间:2020/10/13 21:24:10  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 个人所得税代扣代缴系统的设计与实现摘    要个人所得税是我国目前增长最快的税种之一和最具潜力的税种,但是由于种种原因,特别是征管手段落后,造成税收流失现象的泛滥。因此,随着计算机技术的发展和因特网时代的到来,开发一个以计算机和网络为手段加强...

摘    要

Design and Implementation of Withholding System for Personal Income Tax
In our country, personal income tax is one of the fastest increasing taxes and the most potential tax at present. But for many reasons, especially the inconvenient means of personal income tax collection, tax losses is serious. So, with the development of computer technology and the coming of network era, a management system which depends on computer and network to enhance the personal income tax collection is needed.
Personal income tax and its collection work are elaborately studied, at the same time the means and process of withholding of personal income tax are deeply investigated, and then the withholding system for personal income tax is designed and developed. The system manages the basic information of taxpayers and calculates all kinds of personal income tax by computer and sends data to revenue administration through network, which makes it convenient for withholding agents and revenue administration.
In this thesis, social demand, the development background and the realization significance are specified first. Then design and implementation of the target system are illustrated with emphasis. In the part of system design, the whole scheme is proposed for the system realization target, the realization mentality and the system analysis; in particular, the function design and the database design of the system are depicted in detail. In the part of system implementation, methods are introduced about how to implement each module of the system. Finally, problems in testing the system and installation procedure of the system are presented.

Key words: personal income tax, withholding, withholding agent, declare
目    录
第1章 绪    论 1
1.1 社会需求 1
1.2 开发背景 1
1.3 现实意义 2
第2章 系统分析 3
2.1 系统实现目标 3
2.2 系统运行环境 4
2.3实现思路和方法 4
2.4 系统开发环境 5
2.4.1后台数据库 5
2.4.2 开发平台 5
2.4.3 系统开发环境 6
2.5 数据流程图 6
2.5.1系统数据流程图的组成符号 7
2.5.2系统数据流程图 7
第3章 总体设计 14
3.1 系统总体设计描述 14
3.2 系统模块图 14
3.3 数据库设计 20
3.3.1 数据库介绍 20
3.3.2 数据库逻辑设计E-R图 20
3.3.3 数据库物理结构 24
第4章 详细设计和系统实现 33
4.1 详细设计和系统实现步骤 33
4.2 功能模块的设计和实现 33
4.2.1 登录模块 33
4.2.2 基础信息登记模块 34
4.2.3 工资薪金管理模块 35
4.2.4 生成支付收入明细表模块 36
4.2.5 生成扣缴报表模块 39
4.2.6 申报模块 40
4.2.7 统计查询模块 42
4.2.8 辅助工具模块 42
第5章 系统测试与安装程序的制作 44
5.1 系统测试 44
5.1.1 软件测试 44
5.1.2 程序测试 44
5.1.3 集成测试 46
5.2 制作安装程序 46
5.2.1 安装程序的制作环境 46
5.2.2 安装程序的制作步骤 46
5.2.3 安装程序的运行 48
结    论 49
参考文献 50
致    谢 51

第1章 绪    论
1.1  社会需求
⑴ 个人所得税是涉及人数最多的税种,按月申报的工作量大、计算复杂;扣缴义务人如果需要计算1000人的工资薪金税额,需要3-5个工作日;对税务部门而言,税收成本高,征收难度大。


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